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Museum Summer Night at UGM
UGM + UGM Kabinet + UGM Šop, Strossmayerjeva 6
+ UGM Studio, Trg Leona Štuklja 2
Saturday, 17 June 2023, 18:00-24:00

You are invited to spend this year's Summer Museum Night at art events in the gallery. We have prepared free entrance to the gallery for you from 18.00 to midnight. You are invited to welcome the coming summer days together with a pleasant evening gathering! You can attend guided tours, exhibition openings and an art talk. Towards the end of the evening, join the music selector DJ Ostrovshka with the Radgonske gorice sparkling wine to socialize on the plateau in front of UGM until midnight.

30% DISCOUNT on all UGM publications and notes!
FREE ENTRY INTO THE GALLERY, the doors will be opened wide rhe whole day!
FREE ENTRY TO ALL EVENTS, attendance for free!                                                                              
EXTENDED OPENING TIME, gallery opened untill midnight! 

Jože Brumen, modernist designer and art connoisseur
The Sculptor and Photographer Borut Hribar (UGM Kabinet)
Natalija Juhart Brglez / Unpredictable Cities (UGM Šop)
Lunar / Recycle or Try (UGM Studio)

18:00 Final guided tour of the exhibition Jože Brumen, modernist designer and art connoisseur
UGM, Strossmayerjeva 6
led by: Jure Kirbiš, curator UGM

19:00 The Sculptor and Photographer Borut Hribar / exhibition opening
UGM Kabnet, Strossmayerjeva 6
curator: Andreja Borin

20:00 Unpredictable Cities / exhibition opening
UGM Šop, Strossmayerjeva 6
curator: Breda Kolar Sluga

21:00 Lemonade and Art Talk
UGM, Strossmayerjeva 6
led by: Klara Zadravec and Marko Balažič, students of art history

22:00-24:00 Hangout with music + bubbles
UGM, Strossmayerjeva 6
music selector: DJ Ostrovshka