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Lemonade and Art Talk 
UGM, Strossmayerjeva 6
Saturday, 17 June 2023, 21:00

led by: Klara Zadravec and Marko Balažič, students of art history

As part of the Museum Summer Night, we invite young people and others to refresh themselves with lemonade and have a relaxed conversation about art and visual communication.

Visual messages are all around us - posters, adverts, books, packaging, clothing, social media, etc. We often use visual language ourselves. Do we realise what we are communicating, for example by posting a photo on Instagram or how others read it? Do they read it the way we want them to? Or can they read it differently or even completely differently? We will test this multi-faceted reading of images with a short and fun art exercise. We will also take a peek at the exhibition, which presents a rich and high-quality example of visual communication by graphic designer Jože Brumen.

After the talk, we will invite you to join us for further hangout with music on the platform in front of the UGM.