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The catalogue coves three essays – ‘The subject and its essence’ by dr. Jure Mikuž, ‘Kotnik's artworks in the 60's and European Informel’ by Meta Gabršek Prosenc and ‘…and the painting became the object’ by Aleksandra Kostić –, coloured reproductions of artworks, biography, bibliography and a full list of artworks of Slovene painter Rudolf Kotnika. In the 60's, Rudolf Kotnik turned his back on the classical painting and devoted himself to the exploration of material painting, which highlights the use of colour and non-traditional painting materials. In his works, he dealt with the destiny of the painted object, where he integrated visual characteristics in the archetypical model, but replaced the intuitiveness and spontaneity of Informel movement with a geometrical composition and introduced a non-square format.

Text by: dr. Jure Mikuž, Meta Gabršek Prosenc, Aleksandra Kostić
Photographs: Ivan Leskošek, Lado Mlekuž
Design: Andreja Lajh
Published by: Umetnostna galerija Maribor
Year: 1994
Pages: 121
Dimensions: 21 x 29,5 cm
Languages: Slovene, German