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The Past Five Years
New acquisitions in UGM collection
UGM Great Hall, Strossmayerjeva 6
opening + guided tour: Saturday, 2 February 2018, 11:00

Through the period of past five years, UGM managed to expand it's video collection of artwork with donations and redemptions. The artwork varies between work from the most prominent young artists (Jasmina Cibic, JAŠA, Nika Autor), artists of middle generations (Nika Špan, Alen Ožbolt) and some individual historical work by famous artists, represented in the UGM collection (Zoran Mušič, Ivan Kos, Elsa Oeltjen-Kasimir).

In the period of five years, UGM has managed to obtain more than 100 new pieces of art, mostly as donations from artists/their heirs. The acquisitions strongly link to the exhibition program or the main projects of UGM from the past five years, such as the legacy of photographer Ivan Dvoršak; many works from the Maribor alternative scene from the '80s; donation of a spatial installation from Marko Pogačnik, etc.

Authors and works:
Nika AutorMarko BratinaCiril OberstarJurij Meden; Newsreel 55, 2013 (single channel HD video, stereo, 31 min)
Jasmina Cibic, Fruits of our land, 2013 (single channel  HD video, stereo, 13 min 23 sec)
JAŠA, Chronicles / Log No. 1; Utter / The violent neccessity for the embodied presence of hope, 2016; Fragement / 9a tree painting / I want to take this oath again, 2016 (MDF, wood, oil on paper, charcoal on wall paint); I am still sleeping. (the Thief)., 2016 (video, 5 min 54 sec); Togetherness (text on the wall); Archive box No. 1/ As poets we are bullets, 2016 (shoes, chalk, display case); Installation shot / Day 6 / week 29, 2016 (digital photograph)
Petra Kapš, Ear in the Gardens of Silence, Side Streets… Maribor, 2015 (artist's book (paper, text on typewriter, machine stich with silk thread), sound book (36 min 38 sec))
Alen Ožbolt, Letters and words and sentences, 2001-2003 (metal show case, bottles, paper); Rotating – dancing paintings (Fluxus – dragons), 2009-2010 (ink on cotton paper, wooden boxes)
Mirjana Rukavina, Milwaukee, 1999 (video performance / single channel video, stereo, 15min)
son:DA, room Nr_177-A.psd, 2005 (print on canvas); elevator-72.psd, 2010 (print on forex)