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Maja Babič Košir and Tanja Vergles, Love Me Tender
UGM Studio, Leon Štukelj Square 2, Maribor
opening: Friday, 27 March 2015, at 19:00

Maja Babič Košir and Tanja Vergles present in Maribor the opening of the project Love Me Tender that explores the common space generated through perennial communication in spite of several thousand kilometers of distance. The new common language – gobelin embroidery, created on the basis of matrices made of illustrations, drawings, sculptures – is used to resolve issues of identity, including the position and perception of women in our culture, femininity, the perception of the female body and censorship of female sexuality. The artists make use of different materials – plastic bags, condoms, cloth, leather, felt, nails, wool, rope, nylon. Materials, originally designed for other purposes, thus become materials of exploration of new perspectives, tactile perceptions, odours, sensations. The working process is highlighted and aimed at the development and purification of the authors as females, sculptresses, artists, mothers, friends.

"Our attitude towards the industrial object is functional, towards artwork semi-religious, however our attitude towards the handmade object is physical. Its interpersonal nature is reflected directly in the sensual touch: in this way the body becomes a tool of connection with other people. We sense and feel ourselves with the help of others. Therefore is the 'women’s' artisanry, as an activity while waiting, a triumph over passivity. In the past, socializing while handcrafting was an important way to pass on stories and lessons to younger generations, it was all about socialization, companionship, togetherness. Sewing is a metaphor of dwelling and joint creation - sewing is 'holding' things together and creating something new. It is enjoying the simple freedom in the newly embroidered love story. "(M. Babic Košir and T. Vergles)

Maja Babič Košir graduated and received her Master's Degree in sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana under the mentorship of Professor Duba Sambolec. At the Escola de Disseny y Art in Barcelona she concluded the post-graduate specialization in creative illustrations and visual communication techniques. She is active in the fields of sculpture and illustration and has participated in numerous international group and individual exhibitions.

Tanja Vergles
graduated in sculpture in 2006 from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana under the mentorship of Professor Jože Barši. She also studied at the Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts in Ljubljana, majoring in sculpture and ceramics, and at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana, where she graduated in 2001 from the Department of Organization and management. She lives and works in Ljubljana and is active in the fields of sculpture, photography, graphics and design. She has participated in several international group exhibitions. Since 2003 she designs and creates awards for the Festival of Creative Communication Magdalena, Maribor.

The sound creator is Miha Erman.

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