Bite into Art
Bite into Art
exhibition from the UGM Collection
UGM Kabinet, Strossmayerjeva 6
3–8 October 2023
opening: Tuesday, 3 October 2023, 10:00
curator: Brigita Strnad
This year, the UGM published the book Bite into Art: Dots and Lines from the UGM Collection, by museum consultant Brigita Strnad and poet Borut Gombač. The book is designed as a didactic tool for learning about visual art, which can be used with the help of adults by younger children, independently by older children, and also as an aid in the educational process.
For Children's Week, we are giving children and their adult companions the opportunity to meet all the artworks featured in the book first-hand. You will be able to observe the lines - shorter, longer, thicker, lateral, vertical, horizontal, rough, delicate... and also those that I can only describe if I draw them for someone (Gombač). The book Bite into Art: Dots and Lines from the UGM Collection will be available for purchase at a discounted price throughout the week.