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Ornament workshop with Zvezdana Novaković
Programme on the occasion of the exhibition Pride and Prejudice in National Costume
UGM, Strossmayerjeva 6
Thursday, 20 October 2022, 17:00-20:00

Led by: Zvezdana Novaković

On the occasion of the exhibition Pride and Prejudice in National Costume, we invite you to the workshop Ornamenta, led by the music creator and performer Zvezdana Novaković.

Ornament intertwines in different cultures the diverse bonds between people and space in the art on costumes, singing and dancing. This year's workshop will be art - dance - vocal. Thus, the participants will get to know the rich ornamentation of the Pirin and Skopje regions of Bulgaria. While intensively singing and working on ornamentation and listening to archive recordings, participants will learn and work on a specific open throat technique, and learn to dance one Bulgarian wheel.

Zvezdana Novaković is a singer and harpist from Northern East of Slovenia. While combining a traditional folk, jazz, classical, electronic music and performing arts she creates unique ways of expression. Her voice and musical artistry are influenced by a tradition of Slavic and Balkan cultures. The open voice throat technique is a blend of her own sound combined with improvisation and the right intensity of a moment. By singing folk songs of Serbian and Slovenian grandmother she wants to remind about tradition of ancestors. Studying Bulgarian folk singing in Plovdiv (BG), she also learned songs from many respected folk singers from Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia.

Price: 15 € / UGM Club members: 10 €
Registration: 02/229 46 93 or blagajnaping@ugmpong.si