Meet the artist / Danilo Milovanović

Meet the artist / Danilo Milovanović
Who are you and what do you do?
Danilo Milovanović, artist.
Describe your work in three words / adjectives.
Simple. Absurd. Transient.
Best advice on the art world you've received?
Bojan Gorenec: "Respect the time when you are not doing anything. That's when the most actually happens."
Artwork / author / music / movie that has been your favorite lately?
I rediscovered the music group Popečitelji. The recent unanimous reading of the state constitution on the fenced Republic Square in Ljubljana left me with the impression that no exhibition has for a long time. I am fascinated by living, honest, simple art.
What do you fear when you create?
I’m not afraid when I create.
What creation tool would I not be able to live without?
If you leave my hands, I would have already survived. I use the camera a lot though. In my work, I often start from photography as the initial phase of the process. Sometimes, however, I also ultimately express myself through the medium of photography.
What do you consider to be the biggest success of your artistic career so far?
That knowing the workings of the art system did not deprive me of motivation to work.
How do you view the positive or negative critique of your creation?
Constructive criticism is always welcome. I actually miss her.
Name an artist that you would like to be compared to.
The question calls for a big name, and I’m fascinated by lesser-known, mostly still-living artists.
What are you preparing for the future?
If the conditions allow, I will present myself at several group and one solo exhibition in Slovenia and abroad by the end of the year. I am working towards the realization of these plans.
Born in 1992 in Banja Luka, Danilo Milovanović graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, where he is currently completing his postgraduate studies. In his practice, he mainly expresses himself in the public space, with the medium and approach determined by the artistic concept. In particular, he explores the characteristics of the urban landscape in relation to nature or culture, as well as the possibilities of artistic activity and intervention in the public space. For the most part, his works are fleeting, non-spectacular and emerge beyond the comfort zone of artistic creation. The results of these interventions are both poetic and more radical, activist gestures that can be easily overlooked or remain unnoticed within the dynamics of public spaces. In his projects, he often uses simple elements to create particular meanings, situations or newly established relationships between objects or entities.