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Artwork to go / Darko Golija - The Sucking Position
100+ Highlights from the UGM Collection

Every week, take the "artwork to go" from our gallery, which you can also get to know through the audio description here or the video here. As the first "artwork to go", we present The Sucking Position by artist Darko Golija.

The sweeping changes in the world of Slovenian sculpture in the 1980s caused it to flourish to such an extent that we can talk about it as one of the most prolific periods for sculpture in general. Darko Golija incorporated these new developments in his work, and often replaced classic sculpting materials with everyday objects. The process of constructing a work of art gained importance; existential issues of the medium were combined with social and personal stories, which expanded subjects developed in sculpture so as to often address the viewer more directly.

The Sucking Position is a monumental work that consists of seven plastic globes with the addition of concrete. The author bought the globes at a scrap yard, which he then reshaped, modified and connected with plastic tubes. In Golija’s words, he drew his inspiration for the theme of an all-connecting, fluid and flowing life force from “direct events in his urban and intimate vicinity”. By means of contrasting an industrial coldness, unifying elements and the organic quality assumed by the whole as a result of its transformation, he speaks of the sublimation of matter that gains new value through the artistic process.

Breda Kolar Sluga