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Anastazija Pirnat / Paintings and Drawings
UGM Šop, Strossmayerjeva ulica 6
Thursday, 13 February 2025, 18:00

curated by: Živa Kleindienst

On Thursday, 13 February 2025, at 18.00, we are opening a new sales exhibition Anastazija Pirnat / Paintings and Drawings. Anastazija Pirnat, a painter of the younger generation, presents a selection of drawings, collages and small format paintings. The opening will be followed by a talk with the artist. 

The artist processes the photos according to the principle of collage. She often paints over them, adds to them and changes details with acrylic colours. Gestures, grimaces, hairstyles, smiles and gazes are distorted, changed, hidden or revealed. She flattens the space, abstracts the figures, gives the atmosphere and events her own interpretation and adds text. Although these works may appear banal and mischievous at first glance, the well thought-through combination of image and text urges us to reflect on everyday social situations and roles, interpersonal relationships, the positions we take and the structures in which we are embedded. These works are always about finding relationships between seriousness, (self-)irony and humour, and they often have a tragicomic effect.