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Staying at Home with Zbirka UGM / Oto Rimele - J-05

Oto Rimele (b. 1962) builds on the modernist approach to painting as an individual work of art, freed from any and all narrative meaning. Over the two decades of his creative work Rimele has sharpened and extended the medium through an increasingly minimalist approach. In his reflection upon a painting the central role belongs not to colour, but to light (and as its antipode, to shadow). Rimele’s various works generally appear and disappear in relation to external factors. Often they are produced for a specific venue, taking into consideration their inter-dependence on, their relation to ambience, architectural elements, light and other component inputs; and his spatial installations are the result of precise material execution. The material base for his work is a typically a wooden construction with a canvas stretched over it. Since the painter’s beginnings in the early 1990s the focus of his painting has moved from the surface of the canvas to the edges and later to the back side of the construction or object. Colour features as a chromatic reflection on the wall. The subliminal relationship between the material base and the aura-like reflections provides a starting point for fundamental philosophical questions as well as an opportunity for intimate, contemplative experience.