Wisdom Hours / Light
We will discuss the ways in which artists create light and its meaning in the context of the exhibition of works from the UGM Collection.
We will discuss the ways in which artists create light and its meaning in the context of the exhibition of works from the UGM Collection.
Our conversation will be an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of correspondence and diaries, as both Elda Piščanec and Ivan Kos often documented their activities and left behind...
At the beginning of the New Year, we will be faced with the representation of our own image. In the exhibition we will see self-portraits of the painter Janez Vidic and his family, the young Zoran...
At the first Wisdom Hours at the beginning of the new year, we will face the darkness. The dark themes in the artworks from the UGM Collection and unheard interesting anecdotes will be presented by...
At 10:00 we will watch the puppet show Little Sleepy Star. After the show, we will have a chance to socialise and create art at the exhibition Little Beasts in Paintings and as Puppets, which the...
At the very last Wisdom hour in the year of 2024, we will exceptionally chat less and rather roll up our sleeves in order to create art in a very simple graphic technique.